Sunday, 29 May 2016

ज़िन्दगी और समुंद्र की लहरें

मुश्किल होता है समझना ऐ ज़िन्दगी तुझे
तू भी इन लहरों की तरह है
कभी उफान लिए, कभी चुप चाप सी तुम
कभी कौड़ियों का खज़ाना लिए,कभी खाली सी तुम
क्या खेल है ये ?कभी मुझे भी समझा ज़रा!!

वक़्त की लहरों पर तेरा ये तिरना
कभी अपने पथिक को हौले से छु जाना
कभी तेज़ धार में दूर तक बहा ले जाना
क्या राज है ये? हमराज बन हमसे उठा ज़रा !!

- अमित कुमार पाण्डेय

Saturday, 14 May 2016


हजारों की भीड़ में दिखती तो बहुत हैं
लेकिन कौन है वो चेहरा जो अपना होगा !

बाज़ार में खड़े खरीदार तो बहुत है
पर कौन है वो जो मोल करें हमारे खुद्दारी की !

रिश्ते तो बन जाएंगे कईयों से
लेकिन जो धड़कन से जोड़ ले वो दिल कहाँ !

कई सवाल जहन में कौंधते है
और हम जवाब के लिए बस चेहरों को टटोलते  हैं !!

-अमित कुमार पाण्डेय

virtual world में हम

भीड़ में खोए ,अंजान से हम
Facebook whatsaap पे मिलते इंसान से हम

अब कौन करें मंदिरों का रुख
Like और share करते भगवान् को हम

कौन जहमत उठाये परिवर्तन की
Comments और status  से बदलाव लाते हम

गरीबों और मरहुमो से जुड़ने का वक़्त कहाँ
उनके हालात पे 😭smiley वाले आंसू बहाते हम

वोट और सरकार की चिंता कौन करे
Social sites पे लोकतंत्र को मजबूत बनाते हम

हांथो में हाथ डाल कर घूमने का ठिकाना कहाँ
Tag और poke कर एक दूसरे को करीब बताते हम

असल जिन्दगी से कितने दूर निकल गए
फ़रेब की दुनिया को नक़ल करते हम।।

©अमित कुमार पाण्डेय

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Multi party system -Gangotri of corruption and misgovernance

Without an iota of doubt,we can say that democracy is best form of governance . People of all hues and ideas participate in ensuring rule of law and justice for all through their involvement. The more the participation, the healthier the system. On this ideal we adopted democracy with multi-party system. Multi-party system brings in more ideas and they are expected to bring their localised problems to the fore and ensure their people solutions to their owes. But,ironically such ideals remain much in theory and less in practice.

If we examine the role of regional parties in india , we can clearly see  that almost all the parties are Person-centric or family-centric rather than idea or principle-centric which is the essence of democracy. The party Chiefs have established themselves as chieftains of the past enjoying power,clout and status for their coterie assembled or arranged mostly through shameful act of corruption. Their modus operandi is simple . They invoke local pride and identity.
People in a democratic setup participate through parties / representatives. They have to be people with experience , expertise and a leader in true sense. The parties have to be governed through participation of people having common idea ,vision and principle . But unfortunately we have assembly of persons with common interest . They are not responsible for this. They are able to hold us hostage by their tricks. They can control our emotions, play with our dreams and breed hatred in us.

It is high time that all the parties of India be governed with some common laws. The one simple rule for all the parties should be that they can't be allowed to exist as private enterprise. No family or person should be allowed to hold control of a party for more than 2 terms. We also need to understand the behaviour of parties in detail and come out with reforms. The much needed REFORMS. Till then we ,the smart people of India, should not elect any such parties who are person centric or family centric rejecting  whatever provocation ,offers and bundle of lies they offer.

-Amit kr pandey


ममता हो जिसमें
संताप हर लेने की क्षमता हो जिसमें
"मेरा " कहके स्वीकार करें जो
माँ है वो!

देह धरने को जब कोई आत्मा अकुलाती है
माँ बनकर कोई उसे अपनी उदर में जगाती है
पीड़ा सहकर ,सेवा देकर
खुद से या खुदा से पहचान कराती है !

देती है शरीर
दुनिया में आने का मार्ग
श्वास श्वास पर
हे जननी ! तेरा है अधिकार !

धरती के  प्राणी हम
कितने  और मलिन होते
माँ (रूपी धन )से   ....
अगर ना सुशोभित होते!

ममत्व का बोध अगर
तेरी ममता से ना होती
ये दुनिया कब की खुद से लड़कर
खाक में मिल  गयी होती !!

जैसा है तू मेरा है
माँ! तेरा ये स्वीकार बहुत अद्भुत है
जीवन में आगे जूझने को
ये आधार बहुत अनुकूल है !!

Any body or thing which acts on behalf of a mother is equally a it education.. wisdom..... wealth... the land...or be it our country...our culture...or our planet.... We in hindus....have ,out of respect and emotions ,worshipped motherhood in various forms...

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Let the earth be ONE land

If Discrimination based on caste,colour creed,religion and sex is retrograde , inhuman and unprogressive then how come discrimination based on geographical boundaries in the name of nationalism can be ignored. The earth is for the people to live , to live on their choicest place without any hurdle. The earth should be a place to roam free. All place should belong to all. The unnecessary race of supremacy should just stop . The rule by citizens of few developed countries on the rest of their brothers and sisters must go. The realisation must descend on the ignorant. The UN must become a single power of governance with adequate representation from all over the world. Let all mingle... let all be free

- Amit kr pandey

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Managing Election Woes -The Reforms

Free and  Fair Election  is the main pillar of democracy. But election must be inclusive and those participating must be genuine.  Hence our electoral rolls and the process of participation in this mega process of democracy must be free from all sorts of errors and at the same time it should be convenient , easy, inspiring and informative.

1.With advancing technology and to bring ease in the process of conducting elections Voter Id card should be mapped with aadhar no (along with the options  to map with passport, PAN etc and mobile no) . The rational is to have more and more credible database.

2. The voter card should be made universal in nature so that we need not need to keep it changing with changing constituency. This will reduce the bulk of work for election comission and above two steps will help eliminate duplicate and multiple voter identity cards.

3. The manual electoral rolls should be gradually abolished and a voter should  be free to exercise his/her right to vote once in a 5 year for one type of election.(.i.e A voter "A" can choose different constituency  for different elections - state or National or Panchayat level) For this voters should  be allowed to register their presence for a given constituency. The  process for the same may be initiated 6 months prior to election due constituency. This should be achieved through some electronic platform (dedicated site or application) created for the purpose and should be done by the voters themselves. The same should be authorised at back end by concerned officer based on the information.

4. With the mapping of voter id with aadhar , the presence of voters can be recorded through biometric machines which will authenticate the eligibility of voter and his/her credentials. This will not only eliminate rigging in elections but reduce work load. Also the election progress and participation can be monitored on real time basis.

5. The election comission should also provide to its voter "electronic election book " and the same should record his/her participation. Every participation, right from the day of becoming a voter till his death, should be recorded and preserved. The book will of course not record the choice made by the voter during his voting but only his presence.. date , constituency and type of election. Even the absence of the voter from his/her chosen constituency should be recorded.

6. To promote participation the EC can provide score card for participating in any election.

7. The EC should ask all the political parties to file affidavit with regard to their promises made in election manifestos along with clear road map to achieve the same. Any other promise during election process other than declared in manifesto and affidavit should not be allowed.

© Amit kumar pandey

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