Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Solving Kashmir Crisis:- Making it a Performing Asset from the state of frozen NPA

Killing of the minority Hindus especially Kashmiri pandit in the recent targeted violence in Kashmir calls for fresh thinking to revive the life back to normal or better. It's not only important to stop such targeted killings which is generating 2nd exodus from the kashmir valley largely due to apprehension of being targeted. 

Why should we all be worried about  Kashmir? We must intersect the events that led to transformation of a Kashyap's Kashmir to Terrorism hit Muslim majority kashmir? We must learn from history and make it a point that we must not give space in our society to those whose who may displace you from your own space. It's an inhumanatarian act against your own generation of people.

From the economic point of view large section of Indian population has already been left out from the participation in the economic progress of the nation. Non participation and non contribution of inhabitants of the valley in India's quest of being economic superpower   has impacted both India and people of Kashmir. 
From the point of view of humanity   we and the world should not allow another Afganistan and Pakistan in the Indian sub-continent on account of radical islaminisation of reverened Rishi  Kashyap's Kashmir.

The selected  killings of the inhabitants of the valley  has not seen condemnation and protest from the majority population of Kashmir. Neither any attempt from them to stop the exodus. Apart from the government duty it's was expected of the majority community to immediately stand strong against the perverted and sinister act of politically promoted terrorism. But what  we have seen is a conspicuous silence from the last 40 years. Silence of the majority is a kin to support of terrorism and it must be exposed because the underlying motive and values are detrimental to the cause of humanity , history and economic well being. 

Since the majority of kashmir has failed to stand with the minorities of Kashyap's Kashmir , the majority of India should not fail their brothers when in need. Further a strong vibrant and non-radicalised Kashmir is very very important for the stability of India as a whole. We cannot allow Neo- imperialist China and Bhasmasur-Pakistan to play with the lives of our people through their Kashmir Agenda.

What should we do ?. How should be make Kashmir Strong and make the minorities more stronger and bolder.? It's the time we as the larger fate maker of India ,the Common Man,apart from the government initiative take the matter seriously and think towards making KK (Kashyap's Kashmir) azad from the virus of terrorism and it's zombies. 

We , therefore, must first recognise this as a disaster and launch all sorts of help and rehabilitation drive to help the victims. Further a trust to help the Kashmiri Minorities to be created and help will surly pour in. 

The vulnerable population of the valley must be voluntarily join armed forces and para -militaries and preference in that regard should be given. They must be trained right from early ages and   allowed to keep things that they think can help them protect when attacked. The message should be loud and clear . 

New concept to be explored to bring kashmir on faster track of all round development. For this kashmir needs to be expanded and most of the india must find a abode in Kashmir. Indian government must create institution where the minorities of the valley are majority. Further through the process of "Honorary Domicile" , people to be invited to  earn kashmiri identity either by donation or those having influence and standing. Government to formulate such policies. Though such luminaries may not suddenly become part of Kashmir vote bank still they will surely lend voice to the cause of Kashmir prosperity.
 With such institution when strengthing of KP will happen, the equation of power and rightful influence will surly balance. With the rise in the power of humanitarian values ,culture and true secularism , terrorism will see it's death and KK will surley reclaim it's lost Azadi . It will again become the claimed paradise emanating serenity , spirituality and prosperity.

Let's think, innovate and march with the people who  are the frontiers of the North.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Welcome To Life Mayankosy

Congratulations to the LIFE
And to Both Husband and Wife
For becoming a Parent with smile so bright
Welcome the little Angel with all love and Pride

#Congratulations to Mayank and Rosy

Saturday, 10 July 2021

The Campaign Rain

These days Campaigns are raining cats and dogs in banking. And various levels of higher authorities decide the log-in days and campaign to enable the team meet it's set targets and objectives. The campaign and log-in days are in themselves a tool of micro-managing and aligning the varied workforce as a team to meet  the set goals of higher authorities in direction envisaged by bank's top management. 

The campaign and login days  allow the functionaries at ground  to understand the importance of the product or the services and channelise the resources in a disciplined manner to achieve the objective. 

For the workforce at the ground and in the nitty gritty of the business, these campaign may seem like a disruption in the functioning of the unit and for it's Managers a  maneuver with some stress much like a student suffering with surprise tests, Monthly tests etc in abundance. It's true that Tests and examination help students to prepare themselves and is like a lighthouse in the sea of opportunities to reach it's destination of choice. While a test or an examination are in true sense an instrument to gauge one's preparedness in one's endeavour, it's competitive form where one individual is pitted against others , it's not without STRESS. 
Similarly the Campaign and login days which are raining like cats and dogs with the characteristics of "UNHEALTHY COMPETITION" among the selves are adding to the stress of already Stressed WorkForce in banking.
It's very important to reiterate that Campaign are not in themselves STRESS causing element but it can well be designed to be a stress buster as well. We must think and innovate to make the campaigns an enjoyable team work rather than a forced dictate. The end-result of such campaigns should be equally satisfying as well...

Let's think, innovate and make small changes in attitude and working to bring techtonic changes in the life of banker and in the B/s of bank.
- Amit kr Pandey 
From the desk of Banker

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Ravi Bhaiya

Ravi bhaiya ,eldest son of , Chhote Mama Vijay Sharma left for heavenly home on 17th May 2021. He died of covid 19.

Friday, 9 April 2021

स्व-अध्ययन- Self Reflection

स्वयं का उथान छोड़ जब मनुज मोह पास में बंध जाता है,
खोता है सब वो, उथान छोड़, अंध कूप  में गिर जाता है ,
लगता जीवन भारी दुरूह, शरीर लास बन जाती है
अपने को ना पाने का कष्ट असहनीय वेदना बन जाती है।

इसलिए, किसी के भी पहले, स्वयं का उथान करो,
नित्य रोज जैसे भी हो स्वयं का थोड़ा उपचार करो,
कम से कम एक घंटे का रुचि अनुसार स्व-अध्ययन का  योगाभ्यास करो। 

स्व-अध्ययन ऐसी औषधी है ,जो हर कष्ट हर लेती है
ब्रह्म-विष्णुऔर महेश के समान कर देती है
ऐसा ही तेजोमय महापुरुष जब स्वयं सिद्ध जो है जाता है
अपने आत्मबल  को प्रज्वलित कर कई लोक आलोकित कर जाता है
बन जाता  स्वयं भाग्यनियन्ता और कुछ शेष नही पाने को।

हो स्वयं शुद्ध , निर्भय होकर
गिरे-कलुषित को शुद्ध कर देता है
ऐसे ही महा मानव को जग
पतित-पावन, भय-रंजन कह नित्य पूजता जाता है !

स्व-अध्ययन मणि के समान, जो चाहो मिल जाता है।
इसको पालन करने का उपाय भी सहज सिद्ध हो जाता है
हो कोई भी आयु या हो दिन की कोई वेला,
हो जाहे तुम कुबेर सरीखे ,या हो कोई रंक भिखारी सा
स्व-अध्ययन  को मनन करना नित्य-कर्म के जैसे ही
बन जायेगा जीवन सफल और जीव-यात्रा सहज हो जाएगी
कोई भी राह पकड़ के चलो तुम सब सर्वोच्च की ओर ही जाएगी।।
- Amit kr pandey

Everyone must devote at least 1 hour reading whatever you like .... Even your spiritual books if you do not have anything to pursue... But READ..READ AND READ...

Thursday, 28 January 2021

जल जीवन है

जल से कल था,
 जल से आज है
जल ही कल है,
 जल ही जीवन है

जल जलधि है
जल नदी है
जल मेध
और,जल हिमालय की चोटी है

जल पूजा है, 
जल भक्ति है
जल ही प्रसाद 
और, जल ही  प्राण-अमृत है, 

जल अर्पण है
जल तर्पण है
जल शुद्धि है
और, जल  ही संस्कृति है

जल  धन है,
जल  शक्ति हैं
जल ऊर्जा है
और, जल ही समृद्धि है

जल भुवन है, 
जल उपवन है
जल से तन है,
जल ही सृजन है!
सच है, जल ही जीवन है !!!!

इसलिए मैं कहता हूं - 

भूमंडल का चक्र चलाता 
जल ही है जीवन को चलाता।
फूलों का खिलना हो, 
या नए कोपलों का आना,
फल सब्ज़ियों का उगना हो
 या जीव,जंतु और इंसानो का होना
जल-अमृत  से संजीत होकर,
होता जीवन साकार
और,विविध भांति लेती
प्रकृति नित नई अवतार!!!

हमारे जीवन का कोई भी पहलू जल के बिना पूरा नही है। पिने ,खाने ,स्नान करने, खेतों में अनाज उत्पादन से लेकर बड़े औद्योगिक कारखानों तक को पानी की जरूरत है। 

लेकिन आज लगभग सभी नदियां, तालाब दूषित हो gaye hain। जिस कारण पीने योग्य और इस्तेमाल में लाई जाने वाली पानी  की कमी होती जा रही है। जहाँ शुद्ध पानी अमृत है वहीं प्रदूषित पानी विष के समान है। 

हम सभी जानते है कि जल है तो कल है, बावजूद इसके जल बर्वाद किया जाता है

आखिर में दोस्तों एक ही बात बोलूँगा:-

जल है जीवन का मूल.
 इसकी बर्बादी की न करना भूल।
हम सबका होना चाहिए यही वसूल
जल संग्रक्षित तो सुरक्षित वजूद

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