Few religions on the earth exist only because they have natural citizenship. By birth you are a Hindu Baudhh, Jain, shikh, christian , muslim, jews et etc etc which should not be the case. Let a child,who is the father of man, come and let him grow up to decide what he chooses to be.
If we ever succeed in creating a truly democratic atmosphere where "CHOICE" is respected , we will be creating a different world , beautiful world where there will be love. Let you child choose. Let him choose his friends , his games, his study, his struggle, his life partner and the way of life he wants.
Beacuse by choices he makes he will grow . He will truly LIVE. The remote control on an individual from family, society and the State to be minimized to Nil. This is the best we can assure our child .
This is the gift we can wrap. The GIFT OF CHOICE where one can OWN ONE'S OWN GOD
Subjecting a child to follow the religion of his parents is weird and inhuman. He should be free but not be misled. Most of the conflict which has at its base " identify" arises from this. Religion on earth has become live teams and most of the members are fighting to win as if it is a game. Worse for some it has acquired a political nature (Few religions in the past were launched to grab Powers only). Religion should not be used to unite people or refer to people for any purpose even by state even for good reasons. And same applies to caste. This should be purely private and individual affair.
Religion is not a tool. It is a path on which human belief system and his logical ability combines to experience his own existence. Religion is absolutely about your existence. Each existence is unique and each individual different. Religion should be your own creation rather than following something without feeling for that. You can be a different Hindu in your own Hinduism. You can be a totally different Muslim in your way. You can be hybrid of many ideas. The idea is how YOU connect to the radiance which is making you appear in life LIVE.
If we ever succeed in creating a truly democratic atmosphere where "CHOICE" is respected , we will be creating a different world , beautiful world where there will be love. Let you child choose. Let him choose his friends , his games, his study, his struggle, his life partner and the way of life he wants.
Beacuse by choices he makes he will grow . He will truly LIVE. The remote control on an individual from family, society and the State to be minimized to Nil. This is the best we can assure our child .
This is the gift we can wrap. The GIFT OF CHOICE where one can OWN ONE'S OWN GOD
- Amit Kumar Pandey