Love and Marriages are phenomenon of this world. Men and women are involved in the cause of the event. I have always wondered about the equilibrium, the state of existence, troubles and mere happening of such events. But recently it struck me that laws of Physics are equally applicable to love. One such law is the very important" second law of thermodynamics" . The second law states that " Disorder increases with time ".
Initially two separate galaxies (man and woman) with all the particles (ideas,principles,hopes,dreams..etc) are pulled towards each other. The magnitude of force attraction is dependent on the gravity of individuals carrying varying unit of particles of different densities. The collision of galaxies, in human term, interaction causes reformation of another galaxy called "Pair". The Pair has higher energy due to interaction as compared to individuals. Due to this higher state of energy, there is increase in activities which we can call level of excitement. As time elapse ,energy comes down and the individual particles of each individual begin to settle in various orbits. Here , Some like particles and neutral ones make the core or nucleus. Rest ones makes the edge of pair galaxy where whole lot of matter keeps revolving. The debris (hopes,dreams,principles,) keep colliding and due to the collision heat is generated. The infusion of energy increase the rate of collision and with passage of time... Disorder keeps increasing . This disorder may cause small explosion like quarrel.. small fights. Bigger ones may cause separation/divorce and still bigger ones can create black hole where one galaxy engulf another........(God forbid).
The success of this pair galaxy is wholly dependent on this "management of extra energy" generated in collision.