Sunday, 26 April 2020

Swamit first step today

Today Swarit walked on his own. Exactly today on 26th April 2020 today. 26th being the birth date , this 26th is his 13th month. Exactly 1 month after his first birthday on 26th march. Today he put his first step forward on the auspicious occasion of Akshay tritiya and chhath . May the almighty bless him with his all steps in all walks of life and he creates milestones beneficial for the kingdom of humanity and the  mother earth . Today amid the month old lockdown of the entire world due to china born corona virus or Covid-19 is a big concern and warrants due introspection by one and all towards the way we take life. 

May the Lord bless Swarit and us all to make this world much  better and humanly habitable to one and all.

Thursday, 23 April 2020


Nature's delight.
Cloud thundered , and
Lightening sparked
Nectre of  life  
made a rain dance! 

Sky is clear and sky is blue 
Decorated with 🌈 rainbow 
Made the millions eye glue
To the nature's delight.

City is  locked
Humanity frightened
But, nature cheered us 
With mesmerizing rainbow garland.

The  noise-free City
The absolute silence of nature
Sung the song of peace
Aroused every bit of me with rapturous applause!

Friday, 10 April 2020

कोरोना की करुणा-विहीन अट्टाहश

मुर्दे पंक्तिबद्ध हुए है कब्रगाह में जाने को
जिंदा इंसान ,पर,मतवाला है मुर्दों में  सँगत पाने  को
बता बता सब थक गए, मिन्नते भी बेकार हुई
घर में तुम्हे बैठाने की अरबों की हानि भी हार गई।

जिंदगी थर थर कांप रही , कफनों में आंसूं पोछ रही
न्यूयॉर्क से लेकर इटली तक कि सड़के शमसान हुईं।
गंगा की तट पर भी अब आहट सुनाई देती है
कोरोना की करुणा-विहीन अट्टाहश सुनाई देती है।

इस विपदा ! इस दावानल को यहीं हमें रोकना होगा
भारत की तपोभूमि पर इसका वध करना होगा
जागो भारतवंशियों ! अपने इष्ट अपने ऋषियोँ का स्मरण करो
अपने अन्दर राम के धैर्य ,कृष्ण के योग ,महादेव के ध्यान का चिंतन करो।

स्थूल जगत में रुक जाना होगा,
स्वयं के अन्दर जाना होगा।
स्वच्छता अपनाना होगा,
थोड़ी कमी में जीवन को जूझाना होगा

इस प्रण को व्रत के जैसा निभाना होगा
हमें थोड़ा और अपने को कठोर बनाना होगा
अपने तपोबल से अभीष्ट को पाना होगा
जीवन के लौ को झंझावातों से बचाना होगा।
Saluting all who are collectively fighting corona terror !! 

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Swamit Swarit First Birthday

Today  Swamit celebrated his first birthday amidst the chaos the world has been thrown into since the eruption of a new strain of virus called COVID- 19 in china in December 2019. But this virus has now entered India and a full 21 day lockdown has been announced by our respected PM Shri Na

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Happy New year 2020

Wish you very happy new year 2020. May the  achievements and success of the last year inspire you to achieve newer heights and accomplish newer goals. May the  year 2020 take you closer to yourself. May you be you. May your smile be reflected on all the faces and may all such faces ignites into sparkling bundle of light illuminating the entire sphere of space ,human reach and time that you pervades. Have a wonderful year 2020 in style. 

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Thursday, 28 March 2019

From amrita singh

Apni maa ki puri hui lambi aas hun...👩🏻
Aaj jake bujhi wo pita ki pyaas hun...👨🏻
Aaj uday hua wo prakash hun...☀
Kisi k jeevan ka sabse bada ulaas hun...🎷
Prakriti ka diya hua sabse anmol ratna aur Shwaas hun...🥀
Ek adbhoot sa ehaas hun...💞
Mai hun aapka " Swamit Swarit" 👶 jo sabse khaas hun...😘😘😘@ gully girl Amrita singh

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