Sunday, 31 December 2023

Happy New Year 2023

नया साल आया, hopes anew,
With dreams and aspirations, we pursue.

साथ चलो, let's embrace,
The journey ahead, with love and grace.

New beginnings, like a blank page,
Filled with promise, as we engage.

समर्पित रहें, to growth and learning,
In this new year, let's keep yearning.

बदलें दुनिया, starting from within,
A happy new year, let the celebrations begin!

 *Happy New Year 2024*

सियावर रामचन्द्र की जय 🙏

In Ayodhya's embrace, a joyous cheer,
Shree Ram returns, this special year.

Hanuman's devotion, a tale untold,
As divine moments, in history unfold.

The city of joy, adorned and bright,
With love and faith, in every heart's sight.

Ayodhya echoes with joyous song,
As the God returns, where he belongs.

In the sacred land, a celebration grand,
Shree Ram's presence, like golden sand.

A homecoming, a blissful sight,
Ayodhya aglow, in the divine light.

Happy New Year 2024

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Chandrayan- The Flight of Hope, Dare and Truth

Revealing, Unfolding, Exploring, Evincing
The propulsion, The Thrust, The Energy, The Impulse
Hiding in Lap the probe of Inquest and hugging the hope of millions of friends
Majestic Chandrayan lifts off gracefully.
Off the feet of Shrihari (Kota), 
To dive into immense emptiness, sail through nothingness 
On the wings of Fire powered by brilliant minds  

Speeding, accelerating and burning with pace,
Acquired the Escape-velocity to leap into space.
LVM3-M4 executed its task, placed the "Yaan" in midst of Stars.
Rotating around the earth to plan its trajectory.
CH-3 was ready to embark on journey of Mystery.

Day-in and Day-out the dedicated souls
Put to task their collective neurons.
To man oeuvre precisely the trajectory, the path of the "flight of Hope & Dare" 
Flickering with defying velocity, pacing through forces in the duality.

August 23, the day it was. 
Rotating, Drifting, Pacing, in the proximity of Moon, Vikram was. 
Came closer to moon to hear thy calling.
Decided to land on the celestial surface 
Having terrain weird and  terrible  pace

But Vikram destined to sing the song of valour
Dedicated, Trained and Commanded by Knowledge  
Collected the strength for power descent.
Dropped its speed and shun the drift.
Hovered around to find a pitch.
Slowly descended when the sun was setting,    (On Earth Eastern Hampshire)
 With Indianized Moon the world now illuminating 

After the nervous -yet confident descent of hurry
Vikram rested on its legs of glory. 
Whispered something and "Pragyan" appeared. 
Awaking from slumber and unfolding into the glare of fame

Saluted the Efforts, The Industry, The Try.
Of Stars that made him so famous, so shine
To obey their commands and perform some operations,
To Listen to the secrets of "Mama Moon"
And, To Spill the beans of Truth hidden in gloom

© Amit Kr Pandey


Saturday, 31 December 2022

Happy New Year 2023

Let this New Year "2023" take you on the journey that will love to go for. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2022


*राम* शब्द में दो अर्थ व्यंजित हैं: 'सुखद' होना और 'ठहर' जाना . जैसे कि अपने मार्ग से भटका हुआ कोई पथिक किसी सुरम्य स्थान को देखकर 'ठहर' जाता है। हमने 'सुखद' ठहराव का अर्थ देने वाले जितने भी शब्द पढ़े हैं, सभी में *राम* अंतर्निहित है, यथा *आराम, विराम, विश्राम, अभिराम, उपराम, ग्राम*.

अर्थात जो *रमने* के लिए *विवश* कर दे, वह *राम*.

जीवन की आपा धापी में पड़ा *अशांत* मन जिस आनंद दायक *गंतव्य* की सतत तलाश में है, वह गंतव्य है *राम*.

भारतीय मन हर स्थिति में *राम* को *साक्षी* बनाने का आदी है। 

दुःख में *हे राम*,

पीड़ा में *अरे राम*, 

लज्जा में *हाय राम*, 

अशुभ में *अरे राम राम*,  

अभिवादन में *राम राम*, 

शपथ में *राम दुहाई*, 

अज्ञानता में *राम जाने*, 

अनिश्चितता में *राम भरोसे*, 

अचूकता के लिए *राम बाण*, 

मृत्यु के लिए *राम नाम सत्य*, 

सुशासन के लिए *राम राज्य* 

जैसी अभिव्यक्तियां पग-पग पर *राम* को साथ खड़ा करती हैं। *राम* भी इतने सरल हैं कि हर जगह खड़े हो जाते हैं। हर भारतीय उन पर अपना अधिकार मानता है। जिस का कोई नहीं उस के लिए *राम* हैं- *निर्बल के बल राम*। असंख्य बार देखी, सुनी व पढ़ी जा चुकी *राम कथा* का आकर्षण कभी नहीं खोता। *राम* पुनर्नवा हैं। हमारे भीतर जो कुछ भी अच्छा है, वह *राम* है। जो *शाश्वत* है, वह *राम* हैं।
*सब-कुछ लुट जाने के बाद जो बचा रह जाता है, वही तो राम है। घोर निराशा के बीच जो उठ खड़ा होता है, वह भी राम ही है।*

🙏🌹*जय सिया राम*🌹🙏

Friday, 15 April 2022

My Valentine

My Valentine

I was just a man...
Candid , brave ..sometimes confused
But , Filled with confidence...
To conquer whatever i can....

Then you came into my life...
Claiming to be my wife.....
Assured to take care of all..
To cure me of my myseries that you always talked ....

You promised  to have a solution...
And,  fancied  me into an evolution ....
You launched a revolution ....
But today bewildered , I am in confusion...

Finally your soft heart pitied upon me
You came with wisdom so eye-opener for me
Enlightened me like Buddha
And said, listen o my budhha!(बूढ़ा)

You are of no use a man!
Your mama raised you like a spoilt infant
You are neither a hero nor a hunk
Just a Junk ,sitting on couch,and having brunch.


-Amit Kr Pandey

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