Sunday 22 April 2012

The Integrated System of Education - Re-shaping INDIA

With the changing times and quality human resource becoming all the more important, It is only pertinent to reflect on the overall health of our education system. The RTE act has just come as a savior to the childhood. But the structure of our education system is such that it is inconsistent at various levels of itself and the whole system at any level misses the accountability. The human beings are themselves the most important aspect of the world and what makes homo-sapiens human is education. In context of our country education has always been important and we have always worshiped it. And in the 21st century when “knowledge is wealth”, education assumes compounding and profound importance both in terms of human resource and human quality. Therefore, to provide a robust structure to our education system and link all the scattered pieces of jigsaw, I propose the creation of the much needed following institution.
 CORE SCHOOL: Under the human resources ministry /education ministry of the state, this institution will be established. The Core school would be the administrative body of the three wings that will in turn supervise and monitor the quality of the education being offered, the number of students, the drop-outs, the performance, the track-record, record of data and support being extended. Thus it will become the guardian of entire education system. It will assess both the student and teacher alike thereby providing accountability at each level of education. Core school will also strive to fill gap and differences between different boards and their syllabus bringing uniformity and standard. Actually, we can understand the whole concept of this new system of "delivery of education" once we know the functions and utilities of the three wings.

SINGLE ENROLMENT SYSTEM (SES) - As the name suggests this wing of Core school would be the single body responsible for enrolment of all children of the state to our education system. This body would issue a Permanent Roll No or Identity of Education number (IOEN) or Permanent Right to education number (PRTEN) invariably to all students attending the age of 5 Years as acknowledgement of their journey to formal education. For this purpose SES would create a mechanism to reach to all. However the main centre of SES would be located at the State Capital where all record will be stored and sub-centers at district level. This body will ensure that every boy and girl born well within the boundary of the state gets a unique permanent number or IOEN (identity of education number). This number should be in itself a fundamental right and mere allotment of an IOEN is a promise to the son/daughter of the soil that he/she will be given full opportunity to get education and the nation will be with him/her in their endeavor to achieve excellence.

 The SES may give the students a 12 digit IOEN as described.

@@-represents State
##- represents district
*- serial number at district level in the 1st year of admission
$$- year of enrolment in class one.

SINGLE MONITORING SYSTEM (SMS)- This body of the Core School would be the most important aspect of the entire concept. Once a child has been identified as a student, it would be the duty of the SMS to keep track of his/her average performance over the year. This body would monitor and categories performances individually, school-wise, block-wise and district-wise etc.
  After enrollment, a student will be free to study in any school of his/her choice- govt./public, private etc But irrespective of the kind of school it will be responsibility of school to forward a report card or development report to “SMS” on annual basis. The parents will be required to send their own observation about their ward to corroborate the school report.
 This wing of the core school will compile the report card and record and analyze the performance of students .It will mark the performance of those showing huge deviations or lack of activity in an identified area. The SMS will have multiple units each specialized in judging students of different age groups in different fields and locating their needs and requirements.

SINGLE SUPPORT SYSTEM (SSS):- Once the area of concern is located, the single support system will take care of it. It will provide all possible help. Also, all the facilities to the school, colleges and universities should be routed through this system only. It will allow efficient use of funds, fool-proof management of resources and measurement of expenditure and resultant enhancement in quality.

What will we get?
1.   The Concept of “Core School” in a state will provide the much needed structure to our education system. Actually it will provide RTE act its body.
2.  India with its states will have the best managed education system in the world drawing talents from all over the world particularly the regional talents.
3.It will improve the literacy rate to 100 percent and give birth to a revolution- intelligence revolution. 
4.The quality of human resource will improve drastically because of improved standard schooling and higher   studies.
5.Students can be properly counseled thereby eliminating/reducing stress and suicides.
6 Child labor will get eliminated as each child will be enrolled and his/her status will be continuously tracked.
7. Accountability in education system will be introduced. A teacher/ school can be held responsible for the dwindling performance up to certain and so will be the parents.
8 Exploitation and commercialization of education for pure profit motive can be checked efficiently.
9.Talents can easily be located and employed as there will be complete record and track record of each student –thereby doing away with so many entrance examinations. Free time is equally important to breathe free air in free space.
10.  With this structure coming in place, the budget and expenditure for education sector can be set with the highest degree of accuracy.
Once all the states come up this establishment, we can create National Core School (NCS) with its three wings:-

The NCS with its three wings will help its counterparts at state level and provide them guidance and expertise bringing the all India education system at one level –NATIONAL LEVEL
  if you support this cause of nation building click this link and a like and a share is all that required from you..i will do the rest 

Thursday 5 April 2012

Home coming

Home! The word is a world..for everyone who has a home..And home is
always to be reached. Everybody loves to be be happy..away
from bussiness..
As my train slides past the kolkata junction...i wish to be home to be
with those people who have identified me to be their own..

I want to write a few more words..but co-passengers are attracting me...

Friday 9 March 2012

Holi- Happy holy Holi !

Holi- my festival..but not exclusively mine..because I didn't discover this mode of mass entertainment -cum fevi-quick of social bonding -cum a learning lesson from the roots of our tradition to tell ourselves
that life is a celebration if "the cause to live" is celebrated by seer happiness and natural joy arising in hearts ...The celebration by applying colours on faces is yet another facet which is distinct...
If you see through you can easily see ONENESS in the colour smeared faces..which are otherwise distinct faces..competing in this troubled world for a space of comfort and identity in the in the unknown minds...I guess HOLI gives an oppurtunity to the lost-in-the-worldly-labyrinth souls to discover rich part of life- existing without fake identity.. Another revelation that invariably comes because of this festival of COLOURS is the importance of colours. Armed with knowledge of Physics i can tell you that each colour is an energy packet having its own influence on the system of Lives.. Even without this understanding the effect of colours is enormous to our sensibilities..and a great treat to the sense of vision. Yet another dimension of this celebration is the oppourtunity that it provides to mingle.. Human beings are the strongest among the species because they know the importence of association.. it makes countries and nations.. It creats love...acceptibility.. it blurs division...
            !!  I wish the readers A Happy and Mubark HOLI!!                    

Tuesday 14 February 2012

I wish I were...

I wish I were the player
The player of your dreams
The dreams which keep you awake
Awake to the bottom!

I wish I were the partner
Partner to your fantasies
The fantasies that make you crazy
Crazy to the core!

I wish I were the companion
The companion of your secrets
The secrets that you only open
Open to your inside!

I wish I were the mate
The mate of your desires
The desires that invade you
Invade to the soul!

I wish I were the co-traveler
The traveler of your path
The path that beckons you
Beckoning you to the destiny!

© Amit kr pandey

तेरी दुनिया का मैं हिस्सा नहीं
पर, याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब जब तुमको वो छू जाए
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब जब उसके बाल सहलाना
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब कपड़ों को धो के सुखाना
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब टाई ठीक करना उसके तुम
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब निहारेंगे वो तुमको
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब देख तुझे वो मुस्काएगा
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब नए कपड़े वो लाएगा
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब माँग तेरी वो सजायेगा
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
जब व्रत रखोगी उसके लिए
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
हँसते हँसते जब सब भूल जाना 
होंठो पर मुझे भी रखना तुम
तारीफ़ कर कर के जब वो बहलाये
याद मुझे भी करना तुम
पर जब याद कर के मैं रुलाऊँ
उस वक़्त मुझे भूल जाना तुम

Happy birthday to the queen
The lady beautiful and thin
Never in my history
One has ever been !!

Happy birthday to the queen
Who has indeed been
The grace of queen
Epitome of glamour and shine!!

Happy birthday to the queen
The amazing bride ever seen
The GEM that have been
On the planet we live in


Thursday 9 February 2012


People are People
They are good
They are bad
They are happy
They are sad

People are People
They remember
They forget
They give happy feeling
They give sour feelings

People are People
They are friends
They are foes
they are united
They ate divided

People are People
They love you
They hate you
They trust you
They doubt you

People are People
They agree
They disagree
They create
They distruct

People are People
They live
They turn into Non-living
They are wise
They are ignorant

People are People
They are brave
They are coward
They are strong
They are weak

People are People
They are selfless
They are selfish
They beg and gather
They give away in charity

I am one among them and many
of them are in me. I wonder ,"Do I have a face?

(c) copy right reserved


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Restructuring the Banking Behemoth

                                                             Restructuring the Banking Behemoth
The banking system is a system of financial need and monetary management. An account is like a purse which allows you to manage your money and more so in today’s world where banking is driven by technology of the likes of ATMs, Core banking platform, Internet banking, Mobile banking and SMS alert facilities-all these  with 24*7  customer support system. Still banking is need of human beings and it will always demand the involvement of men and women and therefore it is only pertinent to make the banking services glitch-free and smooth to give happy banking experience to the people. Doing the business of banking in the country of having 1,21,00,00,000 plus people and thousands of organizations, trusts, institutions, industries, corporations, association and partnerships is both a challenge and opportunity. And when the bank in question is State Bank of India, the challenges and opportunity acquires staggering proportions.


                                                       State bank is among the oldest bank of India and its more than 200 year history as the premiere bank of the land distinguishes it today in the form of the largest network of branches, ATMs and POS. Every year of its history has earned it applauds and the stretch of all these long years encompassing centuries has never given a –ve sign to the profitability in its balance sheet. Yet we cannot say that the SBI has never faced a tough time. It has faced very stiff times in various patches of its history and strong competitions in recent times. It has earned pride and trust among its customers because of its transparencies in rules. In spite of all these positives we cannot claim to give to all its customers the experience of “happy banking” all the time. My own experience before joining the bank had not been so good. I had to waste a lot of time in getting a thing done. Blame it on poor efficiency of staffs, or lack of appetite to work or the crowd in queue. I would get impatient and enraged but it never mattered in the crowded ambience of the banks. But today it matters. You are unhappy with the banking system of a branch, an SMS will do. Send an SMS “UNHAPPY” to 8008202020 and your problem will be resolved within a few days. So the banks are trying hard to give a feel of “happy banking” all the time.


                                                                                   Today shrugging behind the inertia of past, the State Bank Group is ready to take on new challenges with greater momentum. The bank has incorporated various products and mode of delivery. But still we need to make some sweeping changes in our structure and the methods of service delivery to improve drastically the experience of happy banking”.

Monday 6 February 2012

Featured post

मै कौन हुआ ?

मैं की खोज part  1  मै कौन हुआ ?  © amit kr pandey मै कौन हुआ ? मै कौन हुआ ?  है सवाल ये तेरा -मेरा। है सवाल ये कल का - आज क...