Monday, 1 August 2016

Laws of Love Decoded.

Love and Marriages are phenomenon of this world. Men and women are involved in the cause of the event. I have always  wondered about the equilibrium, the state of existence, troubles and mere happening of such events. But recently it struck me that laws of Physics are equally applicable to love. One such law is the very important" second law of thermodynamics" . The second law states that " Disorder increases with time ".

Initially two separate galaxies (man and woman) with all the particles (ideas,principles,hopes,dreams..etc) are pulled towards each other. The magnitude of  force attraction is dependent on the gravity of individuals carrying varying unit of particles of different densities. The collision of galaxies, in human term, interaction causes reformation of another galaxy called "Pair". The Pair has higher energy due to interaction as compared to individuals. Due to this higher state of energy, there is increase in activities which we can call level of excitement. As time elapse ,energy comes down and the individual  particles of each individual begin to settle in various orbits. Here , Some like particles and neutral ones make the core or nucleus. Rest ones makes the edge of pair galaxy where whole lot of matter keeps revolving. The debris (hopes,dreams,principles,) keep colliding and due to the collision heat is generated. The infusion of energy increase the rate of collision and with passage of time... Disorder keeps increasing . This disorder may cause small explosion like quarrel.. small fights. Bigger ones may cause separation/divorce and still bigger ones can create black hole where one galaxy engulf another........(God forbid).
The success of this pair galaxy is wholly dependent on this "management of extra energy" generated in collision.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

All religions are not same

God is the Ultimate destiny of life. And the path to reach him is the religion. Hence STOP getting confused that all religions are same. They are path and path are different. Choose the path which makes life beautiful because God has not given birth to you to make life horrible. We can understand this by comparing with food or intake. What we eat is what we are. If we eat fruits vegetables... we feel light and healthy. If we consume fatty ,oily and meat we feel lethargy. Foul smell comes out of mouth.
Also after every terrorist attack we say those were few "misguided "youth. My logic is simple. Why all misguided youth come from same religion. If we consume alcohol any of us will get intoxicated. The alcohol will not see if we are any special type of person or not.  It just works as it is designed to work. Similarly the principles of religions work. The core philosophy of religions guide their followers -their behavior, their action, their surroundings and the world we have. A good religion is not known by the number of its followers but by the quality of its seekers because a good religion will seek a seeker of truth. A person who is ready to undergo various trails...who is ready fail ....who is ready to face the ugliness of his own manifestations.. Only those will blossom into a beautiful flower by the grace of God  who can fill this  beautiful garden of world with fragrance. और इतने सारे सच्चाई पे चलने वाले लोग हो जायेंगे तो दुनिया इतनी बुरी होती ही नहीं. इस लिए जो धर्म वास्तव में कमजोर होता है या यूँ कहे की अगर उनका राजनितिक उद्देश्य के लिए गठन हुआ होता है तो वो जबरन (by force or by money by cheat ) followers बनाते है । बाकी धर्म जहाँ लोगों को शामिल करते हैं वहीँ हिन्दू गलत काम करने पर धर्म से निकाल देते हैं !! This speaks how much they respected it.  It was an like an achievement. No religions in the world dare to do this.

In the modern world almost all " so called  educated and intellectual" tend to show their humane nature &  like to flaunt their secular tendencies/thoughts . To say there is a general tendency to "keep distance from religions and politics" on public platform.  It makes me think that why these 2 words are " intellectually hated the most. And yet we all tend to discuss them all day. These 2 words and phenomenons describe our life.
The answer to hate may be we have failed to find peace and happiness neither inner nor outer. And we can justify our obsession because  we are not fully exhausted with them. Generations have born and died . Human beings who born in a religion become slave to that religion. Religions are  no longer a path of salvation of an individual. They are means of to achieve  power , influence and reputation(fake) which has been ambitions of a weak person.

Systems are never good or bad. Be it religions or politics. But there are certainly good religion and not so good ones . There are certainly good political parties and bad ones . And on top there are good leaders and selfish ones.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Secularism का धर्म

सुबह के ध्यान,पूजा योग को पाखंड बताया गया
5 बार के नमाज़ और sunday prayer को धर्म बताया गया!!

धुप दिप जलाने को ढोंग बताया गया
Candle जलाने को शांति का श्रोत बताया गया !!

हत्या बलात्कार को जिहाद बताया गया
सेवा सत्कार को बेकार बताया गया !!

गंगा-जल अर्पण को साधारण बात बताया गया !!
मजार पे चादर/चर्च में दारू को पुण्य का खज़ाना बताया गया !!

चारों धाम की यात्रा को बेकार  बताया गया
मक्का और जेरूसलम को स्वर्ग का द्वार बताया गया !!

साग सब्जी फल फूल  को धत्ता बताया गया
Meat को सेहत के लिए सच्चा बताया गया !!

गीत रामायण महाभारत पुराण उपनिषद को कोरी कल्पना बताया गया
Bible और kuran  को ईश्वर की दिव्या रचना बताया गया !!

हिन्द की सभ्यता और  संस्कृति को दुर्धटना बताया गया
Rome की सभ्यता को मानवता की महान् घटना बताया गया ! ( whereas we gave the world literature, Grammar, mathematics, sciences, astrology, physics , ayurveda, surgery ,politics , .........)

सिखों और क्षत्रिये राजाओं को कमजोर बताया गया
Sparta और अफगान के लड़ाकों की वीरता को पुरजोर बताया गया !!

हमारी सादगी को गरीबी,हमारा आलस्य बताया गया
लूट कर आमिर बने जो उन्हें मेहनती और महान् बताया गया !! #mughals #British

यही ज्ञान अपने देश के विद्वानों ने सीखा और सिखाया
रटी रटाई  बातों से secularism का पाठ पढ़ाया !!

© #amitkumarpandey #amitspeaks

#secular #emptymind #hypocrisy #leftist #realintolerants #indiaeducation #moralsceince

Friday, 17 June 2016

Connecting India -Reviving villages

India even today lives mostly in its villages. But its villages are not the villages of nineteenth century or that of 90s where the villages were emotionally connected with the dwellers of towns and cities.  Today the umbilical cord is broken. Those who are living in cities or towns have very little or no connect with villages at personal level. In old days the successfuls of towns and cities used to groom and motivate the next generation of village . Today we have a lot more successfuls but they are mostly disconnected with their roots. We need to connect them and bind the villages in a team to become  a self sustaining unit of economy , education, governance , culture and sports.  For building and creating  smart ,well connected india we need united villages... teams in villages who are ready to make a distinguishing mark. Villages can prove to be powerhouse of talents and youth power.

Identifying villages-
Our villages need to be identified as an unit of  activities. And they should be adequately groomed to become centre of a host of activities . We need to make them a cradle of talent.

Creating Team -
We need to build and bind the country with thread of unity. For this we need small team of villages who are connected with themselves. To be connected we need to identify goals which a team village will aspire to achieve at various levels.

Connecting India
The very idea is to engage villages in a host of competition ranging from sports to education, culture to science, awareness to spirituality and awareness to spirituality. We need to create an environment where men are really connected in real world ... and at the same time transform our villages in a hub of talent pool with the help of successful peers of that villages.

The various competition will be on continuous basis and may be a year long exercises. All competition will start from gram panchayat level where individual/team will participate.. the journey thus begun will pass through block, district ,state and then on national level.
But at each level the successful team from a particular village will advance.  This mega event should be a annual exercise.

Any person desirous to apply should apply through his /her village or village  of his choice.

On various level of success , the team/individual/villages should be properly awarded and recognized.

If we can really build on this we will be able to create a mega event which will be ever happening. It will be like national Olympics in game, education  , innovation,  and more it will be like a mega festival connecting India ,creating India and  making India.

The participation of young boys and girls in any of such event (of their choice) should be made compulsory and participation should be precondition to appear in Secondary or Higher secondary examination.

The idea is subject of more debate and discussion.

-amit  kr pandey

Saturday, 11 June 2016


चिराग हूँ मैं
प्रकाश ही प्रकाश हूँ
अँधेरे की निजात हूँ
तेरी जरुरत हूँ, चाह हूँ

मैं झोपड़ी में जलू
या  महलों को प्रकाशित करूँ
मैं पहाड़ों को रौशन करूँ
या पाताल को ज्योति से भरूँ

अँधेरा स्वयं छट जाता है
दृश्य उपस्थित हो जाता है
ब्रह्माण्ड नजरों में समाहित हो जाता है
पथ का ज्ञान आसानी से हो जाता है

मुझे वृथा कोई चाह नहीं होती
ख़ास जगह की ख्वाइश न होती
लौ लिए बुझने तक धधकता हूँ
तेरे लिए अंधेरे से लड़ता हूँ!

चाह! मन की माया है
इंसान की प्यासी काया है
चाह की दौड़ खत्म नहीं होती
इंसान की ऊर्जा यूँ ही व्यर्थ होती!

चिराग का काम जलना भर है
प्रकाश बिखेरना भर है
अँधेरे को दूर भगाना
पथिक को राह दिखाना !

तू भी बस चिराग बन
त्रस्त मानवता का त्राण बन
जहाँ भी जलने को मिले
पूर्ण ऊर्जा से धधक ! (बस धधक)

चाह  मन का अवरोध  है
तेरे नैसर्गिकता का विरोध है
निज में "बरस रहे आनंद "का पहचान कर
पूर्ण जीवन का आह्वान कर !!

बनना तू पूर्ण मानव
खण्ड खण्ड में ना बटा रहेगा
दुनिया को आलोकित कर
तू उसे भी सम्पूर्ण करेगा!!

© अमित कुमार पाण्डेय


Bombing killing shooting looting
Murder kidnapping raping sliting
They are all the path of salvation
For a pervert involved in terrorism !!

Salvation! the aspiration of mankind
Led souls of all hues and colour
To path of religions and prophecies
Varied and different to one another !!

Some followed the voice of soul
Attended enlightenment so rare of all
Flooded the path of men with light
Made hearts pure and bright !!

Some listened to  words filled with fear
Entered a world unknown and unclear
Filled the kingdom of humanity with sufferings
Stuffed the earth with pain and shiverings!

They are sick and filled with hate
Devoid of humanity that's make us safe
Let's resolve to bring them to health
Fill them with love and faith

-© #amitkumarpandey

#India #NarendraModi #Modi #Namo #Terror

Be with the truth !!

Software is not bad but Virus, Trojans etc are. Micro organisms are not bad but viruses are. Similarly Religions are not bad .... Hindus,Muslims ,Christians Etc etc are not bad...i.e a human in flesh and blood is not bad but some ill construed principles of some religion are.. So my men !! Free yourself ...let humanity liberate !! Shun violence

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मै कौन हुआ ?

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