Crimes in our our our neighborhood are
increasing. The police have tough time managing them. I do not want to comment
on the difficulties that our law enforcing agencies face and their failures.
Not only we as a system seem to be failing but the entire set up of our human
environment seems to have gone polluted by the unworthy actions of "the
wisest species of nature". At this point of time we must look out to find
what we are and what we need to be. We need to find that why all us suddenly
being needing police to handle us. Is this what a grown adult is all about? A
lot of thing needs to be done to make us realize the value of being human. But
on the aspect of managing our society better i will like to revamp the entire
system of policing. Hence I suggest the introduction of "Civil
Police" and re-organize the existing police system in Police (law &
Order) specialized in taking out exclusively law & order and assault.
Civil Police And Law & Order Police
Role - Civil police -a system of police
which will ensure the security and well-being of a human being without the use
of arms but with its legal power ,intelligence and acceptability by promoting
among them awareness of laws and good social values. A system of police which
will stand with people to befriend them with law and high standards of life. A
system of police which will stop a person before he crosses the threshold of
crime and turn into a shameful liability for the society and work with its
resources to re-elevate the person to
higher standards of life. We must ensure prevention is better than cure. We
must understand that every human is an “asset” of the society. Actually civil
police will be the first “point of touch” between the state and its people. Its
responsibility will be to record all happenings in society on individual basis
based on events of importance.
Establishment and system: A system of civil police may be created at par
with normal police system. Such cops armed with intelligence and wisdom along
with legal power will be stationed in each mohalla or ward or village. On a
sue-motto cognizance of a crime of lesser degree or complaint received from a
person from any medium of communication he/she will visit the concerned parties
counsel them and try to resolve the issues. In cases of grave crime they will
hand over the case to normal police for further investigation but will continue
to work with police, accused and victim for quick and sure justice. Not only this “Civil police” will pay a
monthly visit to each house and will ask all the members of the family for
their well-being. Civil police will encourage public to share their discomforts,
information and grievances of all shorts to them and in turn this institution
will do its best to address them. Thus civil police will create a database of
all individuals and important events of their life.
1. Our Existing police system which
is overloaded can be off-loaded to a large extent and it can better focus on
law & order.
2. Human-rights can be looked after in much better ways.
3. A lot of time of our judiciary can be saved if the disputes can be
settled outside the court on petty issues.
4. Crimes like property-related crimes and crime against women and children
will fall down significantly.
5. Image of police will improve.
6. Public participation in law and order will increase and this will result
in stable peace.
Above all we will be able to enrich our society with better acts when there
will be no crime.